Kalifornien: Spendenmarathon wegen Proposition 8

Kritisches Denken war gestern
Queer York City

Prozess: Anwalt angeklagt
Das bizarre Leben des V-Manns W.

2 Kommentare:

Chino Blanco hat gesagt…

According to Frank Schubert, 'Yes on 8' campaign manager, the mobilization of LDS (Mormon) volunteers could save his campaign up to $26 million in costs related to micro-targeting persuadable voters.

Micro-Targeting Mormons

So much for campaign finance rules.

Chino Blanco hat gesagt…

Just a heads up: Mike Huckabee recently gave an interview in which he holds Mitt Romney responsible for implementing gay marriage in Massachusetts.


Welcome to the ProtectMarriage.com coalition.

I wish that more rank and file members of the LDS (Mormon) church would realize: the anti-gay coalition they've joined in California is one that includes folks who - given the chance - would vote their church out of existence.

Folks like Mike Huckabee and his Evangelical buddies.